Cyber Intelligence & Analytics

Next-Generation Cyber Strategies

We understand the value of intelligence to the cyber warrior. That’s why our technical services are geared to deliver actionable threat intelligence on adversarial capabilities.  We also provide the advanced tactics, techniques, and procedures to protect mission-essential systems and networks and to support the nation’s joint cyber mission.

The Athenix cybersecurity team thoroughly understands the cyber environment, including offensive and defensive tactics, threat-actor intelligence gathering, reverse engineering, and system vulnerabilities. Our cyber analytics support also extends to collection, counterintelligence, evidence of credibility and reliability, and reporting.

Technically Astute Analysts

Our staff includes Intelligence professionals with technical backgrounds. This helps them bridge the gap between the operational and technological communities, which is instrumental in delivering better tools and services to cyber warriors.

Far-Reaching Perspective

We understand the threat environment from all angles. Our competency in red and blue team exercises lets our analysts consider our capabilities in contrast with those of our adversaries. This dual perspective lets us better assess the evolving threat environment.

Proactive Operations

If you constantly react in cyberspace, you are always behind. At Athenix, we take a proactive approach to cybersecurity by preemptively anticipating and identifying security threats and taking charge of the situation before an attack occurs.